The Echo Base Set includes two Hoth rebel soldiers, two snow troopers, Han Solo with Hoth gear and a tauntaun. The battle of Hoth is recreated with the invasion of the imperial forces onto the ice planet Hoth, and the secret base of the rebels. Han Solo is attacked by snow troopers as he leaves for a mission on his tauntaun, and the rebel alliance troops use there missile firing defence turret to fight off the snow troopers.
- Two snow troopers mini figures with E-web blaster, two rebel troop mini figures, and Han Solo mini figure in Hoth winter gear.
-New unique lego tauntaun.
-Anti-infantry laser battery with working turret door, and missiles that fire. -The trenches measure 4.5" (11cm) long and the turret is 3.5" (9 cm) tall.
This set is suitable for ages 7-12 years and represents good value for money considering the number of figures in the set, and the turret fires missiles. For a great deal, you can click here and get it at the lego shop
Rebel Trooper Battle Pack.
In the Rebel Troop Battle Pack, the empire attacks the rebel base which is hidden on the ice planet Hoth. The rebel pilots and troops fight the empire invaders with the combat speeder and by firing the flick fire missiles. The set includes collectable rebel trroopers that have cold weather gear, and the rebel pilot Zev Senesca.
Included in the set are:-
-Two flick firing missiles that are mounted on the combat speeder.
-Three rebel troopers that are equipped in cold weather gear with hoth helmets.
-Rebel combat speeder vehicle and pilot Zev Sensca.
This set is an excellent buy for the price, as it has four unique figures with accessories that are unable to be purchased individually, as well as the speeder which fires missiles. Interested in buying it? You can easily purchase it here.
Snow Trooper Battle Pack
With the discovery of the secret base of the rebels on the planet Hoth, the empire attacks with their cold weather stormtroopers, imperial speeder bike and battle station.
-Imperial speeder bike that measures over 5" long (12 cm)
-A battle station that has a rotating flick missile firing gun, and measures over 3" (10 cm)
-Two snowtroopers, an imperial officer, and a AT-AT driver.
This is another smaller set that presents great value with four individual figures, the speeder and battle station, so click through now to compare the price